- NumPy 1.3.0 Release Notes > Ufunc API
...ntation changes A lot of documentation has been added. Both user guide and references can be built from sphinx. New C API Multiarray API The following functions have been added to the multiarray C API: PyArray_GetEndianness: to get run...
- ufunc API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API ufunc API...
- PyUFunc_AddLoopFromSpec.ufunc (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddPromoter.ufunc (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr.ufunc (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType.ufunc (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature.ufunc (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- Array API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API Array API...
- Array iterator API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API Array iterator API...
- Beyond the basics
...NumPy user guide Using NumPy C-API Beyond the basics...
- Generalized universal function API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API Generalized universal function API...
- NpyString API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API NpyString API...
- NumPy 1.10.0 Release Notes
...turn will now be a base ndarray. Subclasses can still override this behavior by providing their own nonzero method. C API The changes to swapaxes also apply to the PyArray_SwapAxes C function, which now returns a view in all cases. The ch...
- NumPy 1.12.0 Release Notes
...v5.6.0 has been added. While not complete (nditer updateifcopy is not supported yet), this is a milestone for PyPy’s C-API compatibility layer. Build System Changes Library order is preserved, instead of being reordered to match that o...
- NumPy 1.13.0 Release Notes
...iside function. New np.isin function, improves on in1d. New np.block function for creating blocked arrays. New PyArray_MapIterArrayCopyIfOverlap added to NumPy C-API. See below for details. Deprecations Calling np.fix, np.isposinf, and...
- NumPy 1.14.0 Release Notes
...iguously with control of rounding and padding. PyArray_ResolveWritebackIfCopy and PyArray_SetWritebackIfCopyBase, new C-API functions useful in achieving PyPy compatibility. Deprecations Using np.bool_ objects in place of integers is de...
- NumPy 1.15.0 Release Notes
...might return a different result. Use np.sum(np.from_iter(generator)) or the built-in Python sum instead. Users of the C-API should call PyArrayResolveWriteBackIfCopy or PyArray_DiscardWritebackIfCopy on any array with the WRITEBACKIFCOPY fl...
- NumPy 1.16.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.17.0 Release Notes
...lternatives. Replace exec_command with subprocess.Popen and temp_file_name with tempfile.mkstemp. Writeable flag of C-API wrapped arrays When an array is created from the C-API to wrap a pointer to data, the only indication we have of the...
- NumPy 1.18.0 Release Notes
...Py 1.18.0 Release Notes In addition to the usual bug fixes, this NumPy release cleans up and documents the new random C-API, expires a large number of old deprecations, and improves the appearance of the documentation. The Python versions s...
- NumPy 1.19.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.20.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.22.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.25.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.3.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.4.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.6.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.7.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.8.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.8.1 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.9.0 Release Notes
...m remains the same. Argmin and argmax out argument The out argument to np.argmin and np.argmax and their equivalent C-API functions is now checked to match the desired output shape exactly. If the check fails a ValueError instead of Type...
- NumPy 2.0 migration guide
- NumPy 2.0.0 Release Notes
...ver 1078 pull requests. It contains a large number of exciting new features as well as changes to both the Python and C APIs. This major release includes breaking changes that could not happen in a regular minor (feature) release - includin...
- NumPy 2.1.0 Release Notes
- NumPy C-API
- NumPy reference
- numpy.ufunc.resolve_dtypes
- Python types and C-structures
- Subclassing ndarray
- ufunc API
...NumPy reference NumPy C-API ufunc API...
- Universal functions (
) basics - Using NumPy C-API
- Writing your own ufunc
- import_ufunc (C macro, in ufunc API)
- NO_IMPORT_UFUNC (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_AddLoopFromSpec (C function, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddPromoter (C function, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop (C function, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop.ufunc_obj (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_clearfperr (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_d_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_D_D (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_dd_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_DD_D (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_e_e (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_e_e_As_d_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_e_e_As_f_f (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ee_e (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ee_e_As_dd_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ee_e_As_ff_f (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_f_f (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_F_F (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_F_F_As_D_D (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ff_f (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_FF_F (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ff_f_As_dd_d (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_FF_F_As_DD_D (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignatureAndIdentity (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_g_g (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_G_G (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_gg_g (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_GG_G (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_GiveFloatingpointErrors (C function, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_IdentityValue (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ImportUFuncAPI (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_MinusOne (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_None (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_O_O (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_O_O_method (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_On_Om (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_On_Om.PyUFunc_PyFuncData (C type, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_One (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_OO_O (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_OO_O_method (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ReorderableNone (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature (C function, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_Zero (C macro, in ufunc API)
- PyUFuncGenericFunction (C type, in ufunc API)
- UFUNC_FPE_DIVIDEBYZERO (C macro, in ufunc API)
- UFUNC_FPE_INVALID (C macro, in ufunc API)
- UFUNC_FPE_OVERFLOW (C macro, in ufunc API)
- UFUNC_FPE_UNDERFLOW (C macro, in ufunc API)
- Interoperability with NumPy
- Iterating over arrays
- NumPy 1.17.5 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.22.3 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.24 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.24.1 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.9.1 Release Notes
- NumPy for MATLAB users
- NumPy user guide
- numpy.clip
- numpy.nditer
- numpy.outer
- numpy.sign
- numpy.testing.overrides.get_overridable_numpy_ufuncs
- numpy.vectorize
- PyUFunc_AddLoopFromSpec.spec (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddPromoter.DType_tuple (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddPromoter.promoter (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop.new_dtypes (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop.translate_given_descrs (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop.translate_loop_descrs (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_AddWrappingLoop.wrapped_dtypes (C function parameter, in Array API)
- PyUFunc_d_d.args (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_D_D.args (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_d_d.dimensions (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_D_D.dimensions (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_d_d.func (C function parameter, in ufunc API)
- PyUFunc_D_D.func (C function parameter, in ufunc API)