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- numpy.char.chararray.searchsorted (Python method, in numpy.char.chararray.searchsorted)
- NumPy 1.10.0 Release Notes
...aled by \(1/\\sqrt{n}\). Improvements np.digitize using binary search np.digitize is now implemented in terms of np.searchsorted. This means that a binary search is used to bin the values, which scales much better for larger number of b...
- NumPy 1.6.2 Release Notes
...t #2033: a**2.0 has incorrect type #2045: make attribute/iterator_element deletions not segfault #2021: fix segfault in searchsorted() #2073: fix float16 __array_interface__ bug numpy.lib #2048: break reference cycle in NpzFile #1573: s...
- numpy.char.chararray.searchsorted
...Legacy fixed-width string functionality numpy.char.chararray numpy.char.chararray.searchsorted...
- numpy.char.chararray.sort
...urn a sorted copy of an array. numpy.argsortIndirect sort. numpy.lexsortIndirect stable sort on multiple keys. numpy.searchsortedFind elements in sorted array. numpy.partitionPartial sort. Notes See numpy.sort for notes on the differ...