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- numpy.distutils.misc_util.yellow_text (Python function, in distutils.misc_util)
user guide...2win32(path) mingw32() — return True when using mingw32 environment. terminal_has_colors(), red_text(s), green_text(s), yellow_text(s), blue_text(s), cyan_text(s) get_path(mod_name,parent_path=None) — return path of a module relative to par...
- distutils.misc_util
...or C but not C++. Prune them. numpy.distutils.misc_util.terminal_has_colors()[source] numpy.distutils.misc_util.yellow_text(s)[source]...
- Packaging (
)...sources is_local_src_dir is_sequence is_string mingw32 minrelpath njoin red_text sanitize_cxx_flags terminal_has_colors yellow_text ccompiler ccompiler_opt Provides the CCompilerOpt class, used for handling the CPU/hardware optimiza...