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- numpy.dtype.isalignedstruct
- numpy.dtype.isalignedstruct (Python attribute, in numpy.dtype.isalignedstruct)
- Memory alignment
- numpy.dtype a dictionary or a comma-separated string. If a struct dtype is being created, this also sets a sticky alignment flag isalignedstruct. copybool, optionalMake a new copy of the data-type object. If False, the result may just be a referenc...
- numpy.dtype.isalignedstruct
- Structured arrays
...sets or itemsize indicating no additional padding. If a structured dtype is created with align=True ensuring that dtype.isalignedstruct is true, this property is preserved: >>> dt = np.dtype("i1,V3,i4,V1", align=True)[["f0", "f2"]] >>> dt d...