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- numpy.generic.strides
...NumPy reference Array objects Scalars numpy.generic.strides...
- numpy.generic.strides (Python attribute, in numpy.generic.strides)
- Array API
...ject *arr) A synonym for PyArray_DIMS, named to be consistent with the shape usage within Python. npy_intp *PyArray_STRIDES(PyArrayObject *arr) Returns a pointer to the strides of the array. The number of elements matches the number of...
- Array iterator API
...; NpyIter* iter; NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext; char** dataptr; npy_intp nonzero_count; npy_intp* strideptr,* innersizeptr; /* Handle zero-sized arrays specially */ if (PyArray_SIZE(self) == 0) { retur...
- Generalized universal function API
- How to extend NumPy
- Indexing on
- Internal organization of NumPy arrays
...ffer). The number of dimensions and the size of each dimension. The separation between elements for each dimension (the stride). This does not have to be a multiple of the element size. The byte order of the data (which may not be the nativ...
- Interoperability with NumPy
...provide both a high-level API for operations on array-structured data and a concrete implementation of the API based on strided in-RAM storage. While this API is powerful and fairly general, its concrete implementation has limitations. As d...
- Memory alignment
- Miscellaneous
- NumPy 1.10.0 Release Notes
...s has been changed from to x.y.z.dev0+githash (note the +) in order to comply with PEP 440. relaxed stride checking NPY_RELAXED_STRIDE_CHECKING is now true by default. UPDATE: In 1.10.2 the default value of NPY_RELAXED_...
- NumPy 1.11.0 Release Notes The following changes are scheduled for Numpy 1.12.0. Support for Python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3 will be dropped. Relaxed stride checking will become the default. See the 1.8.0 release notes for a more extended discussion of what this change...
- NumPy 1.12.0 Release Notes
...rather than have special exceptions for the integer units. If you need negative powers, use an inexact type. Relaxed stride checking is the default This will have some impact on code that assumed that F_CONTIGUOUS and C_CONTIGUOUS were m...
- NumPy 1.17.0 Release Notes
...rmation. In that case switching to writeable was never allowed. This has now been fixed. C API changes dimension or stride input arguments are now passed by npy_intp const* Previously these function arguments were declared as the more s...
- NumPy 1.17.1 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.19.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.23.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.25.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.8.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.9.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 2.0.0 Release Notes
- NumPy C code explanations
- numpy.char.chararray.flags
- numpy.generic.strides
- numpy.i: a SWIG interface file for NumPy
- numpy.matrix.flags
- numpy.memmap.flags
- numpy.ndarray
- numpy.ndarray.flags
- numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebdomain
- numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebone
- numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebx
- numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebzero
- numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermdomain
- numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermone
- numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermx
- numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermzero
- numpy.polynomial.hermite_e.hermedomain
- numpy.polynomial.hermite_e.hermeone
- numpy.polynomial.hermite_e.hermex
- numpy.polynomial.hermite_e.hermezero
- numpy.polynomial.laguerre.lagdomain
- numpy.polynomial.laguerre.lagone
- numpy.polynomial.laguerre.lagx
- numpy.polynomial.laguerre.lagzero
- numpy.polynomial.legendre.legdomain
- numpy.polynomial.legendre.legone
- numpy.polynomial.legendre.legx
- numpy.polynomial.legendre.legzero
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polydomain
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyone
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyx
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyzero
- numpy.ravel
- numpy.rec.array
- numpy.recarray.flags
- numpy.shares_memory
- NumPy: the absolute basics for beginners
- Python types and C-structures
- Using Python as glue
- Beyond the basics
- Glossary
- How to index
- Iterating over arrays
- Structured arrays
- Subclassing ndarray
- The array interface protocol
- The N-dimensional array (
) - Universal functions (
) basics