Search Results
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- numpy.get_include
- numpy.f2py.get_include (Python function, in Using F2PY)
- numpy.get_include (Python function, in numpy.get_include)
- NumPy 1.21.1 Release Notes
...bump scipy-mathjax #19347: BUG: Fix arr.flat.index for large arrays and big-endian machines #19348: ENH: add numpy.f2py.get_include function #19349: BUG: Fix reference count leak in ufunc dtype handling #19350: MAINT: Annotate missing attri...
- NumPy 1.6.0 Release Notes`` "fill_value" keyword numpy.distutils The numpy.get_numpy_include function was removed, use numpy.get_include instead....
- NumPy core math library
...d on the build system you are using. The generic steps to take are: Add the numpy include directory (= the value of np.get_include()) to your include directories, The npymath static library resides in the lib directory right next to numpy’...
- numpy.get_include
- numpy.show_config
- Using F2PY given under the terms of the NumPy License. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. numpy.f2py.get_include()[source] Return the directory that contains the fortranobject.c and .h files. Note This function is not ne...
- Writing your own ufunc
- Extending
...os import numpy as np import cffi from .parse import parse_distributions_h ffi = cffi.FFI() inc_dir = os.path.join(np.get_include(), 'numpy') # Basic numpy types ffi.cdef(''' typedef intptr_t npy_intp; typedef unsigned char npy_b...
- Extending via CFFI
- F2PY and build systems
...wrapper fortranobject.{c,h} Distributed with numpy Can be queried via python -c "import numpy.f2py; print(numpy.f2py.get_include())" NumPy headers Can be queried via python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())" Python librar...
- Using Python as glue
...tion='Nothing', ext_modules=[Extension('filter', ['filter.pyx'], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])], cmdclass = {'build_ext':build_ext}) Adding the NumPy include directory is, of course, only nec...
- Using via
...installation # F2PY headers execute_process( COMMAND "${Python_EXECUTABLE}" -c "import numpy.f2py; print(numpy.f2py.get_include())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE F2PY_INCLUDE_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Print out the discovered path...
- Using via
...py_dep = py.dependency() incdir_numpy = run_command(py, ['-c', 'import os; os.chdir(".."); import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())'], check : true ).stdout().strip() incdir_f2py = run_command(py, ['-c', 'import os; os.chdir("..")...
- Using via
...l Python installation # NumPy headers execute_process( COMMAND "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" -c "import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # F2PY headers execute_process...