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- numpy.histogramdd
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Statistics numpy.histogramdd...
- numpy.histogramdd (Python function, in numpy.histogramdd)
- NumPy 1.15.0 Release Notes
...accepts None, or tuples of int, in its axis argument. If axis is None, it will flip over all the axes. histogram and histogramdd functions have moved to np.lib.histograms These were originally found in np.lib.function_base. They are stil...
- NumPy 1.23.5 Release Notes
...CI: Only fetch in actions/checkout #22597: BUG: Decrement ref count in gentype_reduce if allocated memory… #22625: BUG: Histogramdd breaks on big arrays in Windows...
- NumPy 1.24 Release Notes
...-22607) Expired deprecations The normed keyword argument has been removed from np.histogram, np.histogram2d, and np.histogramdd. Use density instead. If normed was passed by position, density is now used. (gh-21645) Ragged array creat...
- NumPy 1.6.2 Release Notes
...ycle in NpzFile #1573: savetxt() now handles complex arrays #1387: allow bincount() to accept empty arrays #1899: fixed histogramdd() bug with empty inputs #1793: fix failing npyio test under py3k #1936: fix extra nesting for subarray dtype...
- NumPy 1.8.1 Release Notes
...ess violation in _descriptor_from_pep3118_format gh-3175: segmentation fault with numpy.array() from bytearray gh-4266: histogramdd - wrong result for entries very close to last boundary gh-4408: Fix stride_stricks.as_strided function for o...
- NumPy 2.0.0 Release Notes these functions. Changed functions are: atleast_1d, atleast_2d, atleast_3d, broadcast_arrays, meshgrid, ogrid, histogramdd. np.unique return_inverse shape for multi-dimensional inputs When multi-dimensional inputs are passed to n...
- numpy.histogram
...t.dtype will be taken from weights. bin_edgesarray of dtype floatReturn the bin edges (length(hist)+1). See also histogramdd, bincount, searchsorted, digitize, histogram_bin_edges Notes All but the last (righthand-most) bin is half...
- numpy.histogram2d
...dimension. yedgesndarray, shape(ny+1,)The bin edges along the second dimension. See also histogram1D histogram histogramddMultidimensional histogram Notes When density is True, then the returned histogram is the sample density,...
- numpy.histogramdd
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Statistics numpy.histogramdd...