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- numpy.ldexp
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Mathematical functions numpy.ldexp...
- numpy.ldexp (Python data, in numpy.ldexp)
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes
...ur may be customized to achieve the expected results for more complex ufuncs. (For some universal functions such as np.ldexp inputs can have different DTypes.) (gh-18880) Distutils forces strict floating point model on clang NumPy distut...
- NumPy 2.0.2 Release Notes
...est master #27077: BUG: Off by one in memory overlap check #27122: BUG: Use the new npyv_loadable_stride_ functions for ldexp and… #27126: BUG: Bump Highway to latest #27128: BUG: add missing error handling in public_dtype_api.c #27129: BUG...
- numpy.frexp a scalar if x is a scalar. exponentndarrayInteger exponents of 2. This is a scalar if x is a scalar. See also ldexpCompute y = x1 * 2**x2, the inverse of frexp. Notes Complex dtypes are not supported, they will raise a TypeErro...
- numpy.ldexp
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Mathematical functions numpy.ldexp...
- Universal functions (
) basics.... Thus, for example, a universal function could be defined that works with floating-point and integer values. See numpy.ldexp for an example. By the above description, the casting rules are essentially implemented by the question of when a...