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- numpy.moveaxis
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array manipulation routines numpy.moveaxis...
- numpy.moveaxis (Python function, in numpy.moveaxis)
- NumPy 1.11.0 Release Notes
...memory. Automatic bin size estimation for np.histogram. Speed optimization of A @ A.T and dot(A, A.T). New function np.moveaxis for reordering array axes. Build System Changes Numpy now uses setuptools for its builds instead of plain d...
- NumPy 1.18.0 Release Notes can read complex numbers. (gh-14227) numpy.unique has consistent axes order when axis is not None Using moveaxis instead of swapaxes in numpy.unique, so that the ordering of axes except the axis in arguments will not be brok...
- numpy.moveaxis
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array manipulation routines numpy.moveaxis...
- numpy.permute_dims
...rraya with its axes permuted. A view is returned whenever possible. See also ndarray.transposeEquivalent method. moveaxisMove axes of an array to new positions. argsortReturn the indices that would sort an array. Notes Use transp...
- numpy.rollaxis lies in a given position. This function continues to be supported for backward compatibility, but you should prefer moveaxis. The moveaxis function was added in NumPy 1.11. Parameters: andarrayInput array. axisintThe axis to be rolle...
- numpy.transpose
...rraya with its axes permuted. A view is returned whenever possible. See also ndarray.transposeEquivalent method. moveaxisMove axes of an array to new positions. argsortReturn the indices that would sort an array. Notes Use transp...
- numpy.unstack
...reverse operation of stack, i.e., stack(unstack(x, axis=axis), axis=axis) == x. This function is equivalent to tuple(np.moveaxis(x, axis, 0)), since iterating on an array iterates along the first axis. Examples >>> arr = np.arange(24).resha...