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- numpy.nanmax
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Mathematical functions numpy.nanmax...
- numpy.nanmax (Python function, in numpy.nanmax)
- Miscellaneous
...o min float The following corresponds to the usual functions except that nans are excluded from the results: nansum() nanmax() nanmin() nanargmax() nanargmin() >>> x = np.arange(10.) >>> x[3] = np.nan >>> x.sum() nan >>> np.nansum(x) 42....
- NumPy 1.12.0 Release Notes
...e following functions are changed: sum, product, sometrue, alltrue, any, all, amax, amin, prod, mean, std, var, nanmin, nanmax, nansum, nanprod, nanmean, nanmedian, nanvar, nanstd bitwise_and identity changed The previous identity was 1,...
- NumPy 1.18.0 Release Notes
...and numpy.fmin instead of numpy.maximum or numpy.minimum respectively will require adjustment. This also affects numpy.nanmax and numpy.nanmin. (gh-14841) Moved modules in numpy.random As part of the API cleanup, the submodules in numpy....
- NumPy 1.22.0 Release Notes
...sent from numpy.nanmean. The following parameters have now been added to the nan<x> functions: nanmin: initial & where nanmax: initial & where nanargmin: keepdims & out nanargmax: keepdims & out nansum: initial & where nanprod: initial & w...
- NumPy 1.8.2 Release Notes
...ections in equal ranges gh-4656: Make fftpack._raw_fft threadsafe gh-4628: incorrect argument order to _copyto in in np.nanmax, np.nanmin gh-4642: Hold GIL for converting dtypes types with fields gh-4733: fix np.linalg.svd(b, compute_uv=Fal...
- NumPy for MATLAB users
...[a; b] np.concatenate((a,b)) or np.vstack((a,b)) or np.r_[a,b] concatenate rows of a and b max(max(a)) a.max() or np.nanmax(a) maximum element of a (with ndims(a)<=2 for MATLAB, if there are NaN’s, nanmax will ignore these and return lar...
- numpy.fmax
...t-wise maximum of two arrays, propagates NaNs. amaxThe maximum value of an array along a given axis, propagates NaNs. nanmaxThe maximum value of an array along a given axis, ignores NaNs. minimum, amin, nanmin Notes The fmax is equival...
- numpy.fmin
...g a given axis, propagates NaNs. nanminThe minimum value of an array along a given axis, ignores NaNs. maximum, amax, nanmax Notes The fmin is equivalent to np.where(x1 <= x2, x1, x2) when neither x1 nor x2 are NaNs, but it is faster an...
- numpy.max
...mension a.ndim - len(axis). See also aminThe minimum value of an array along a given axis, propagating any NaNs. nanmaxThe maximum value of an array along a given axis, ignoring any NaNs. maximumElement-wise maximum of two arrays, p...
- numpy.maximum
...ment-wise maximum of two arrays, ignores NaNs. amaxThe maximum value of an array along a given axis, propagates NaNs. nanmaxThe maximum value of an array along a given axis, ignores NaNs. fmin, amin, nanmin Notes The maximum is equival...
- numpy.min
- numpy.minimum
- numpy.nanmax
- numpy.nanmin