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- numpy.random.BitGenerator
...umPy’s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.cffi
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.lock
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn
...s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.state
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.ctypes
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.capsule
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.seed_seq
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw
...s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator (Python class, in numpy.random.BitGenerator)
- Bit generators
...Bit generators The random values produced by Generator originate in a BitGenerator. The BitGenerators do not directly provide random numbers and only contains methods used for seeding, gett...
- C API for random
...see Linking against the core math library in an extension. type bitgen_t The bitgen_t holds the current state of the BitGenerator and pointers to functions that return standard C types while advancing the state. struct bitgen: void *...
- Extending
...Extending The BitGenerators have been designed to be extendable using standard tools for high-performance Python – numba and Cython....
- Legacy random generation bit generators state, when accessing the state so that these extra values are saved. Although we provide the MT19937 BitGenerator for use independent of RandomState, note that its default seeding uses SeedSequence rather than the legacy...
- NumPy 1.17.1 Release Notes #14201: BUG: Make advanced indexing result on read-only subclass writeable… #14236: BUG: Fixed default BitGenerator name #14237: ENH: add c-imported modules for freeze analysis in np.random #14296: TST: Pin pytest version t...
- NumPy 1.19.0 Release Notes
...n removed. (gh-15118) numpy.random._bit_generator moved to numpy.random.bit_generator In order to expose numpy.random.BitGenerator and numpy.random.SeedSequence to Cython, the _bitgenerator module is now public as numpy.random.bit_generat...
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes, universal2 wheels for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 on Mac, improved documentation, improved annotations, new PCG64DXSM bitgenerator for random numbers. In addition there are the usual large number of bug fixes and other improvements. The...
- NumPy 1.24 Release Notes
...n), value :: x in Fortran codes will have correct wrappers generated. (gh-21807) Added pickle support for third-party BitGenerators The pickle format for bit generators was extended to allow each bit generator to supply its own constructo...
- NumPy 1.25.0 Release Notes
...lows to directly spawn new independent child generators via the numpy.random.SeedSequence.spawn mechanism. numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn does the same for the underlying bit generator. Additionally, numpy.random.BitGenerator.seed_seq now...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator
...umPy’s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.capsule
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.cffi
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.ctypes
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.lock
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw
...s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.seed_seq
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn
...s module structure Random sampling (numpy.random) Bit generators numpy.random.BitGenerator numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.state
- numpy.random.Generator.bit_generator
...ttribute random.Generator.bit_generator Gets the bit generator instance used by the generator Returns: bit_generatorBitGeneratorThe bit generator instance used by the generator...
- numpy.random.Generator.spawn
...t of Generators Raises: TypeErrorWhen the underlying SeedSequence does not implement spawning. See also random.BitGenerator.spawn, random.SeedSequence.spawnEquivalent method on the bit generator and seed sequence. bit_generatorThe...
- numpy.random.get_state
...more details, see set_state. Parameters: legacybool, optionalFlag indicating to return a legacy tuple state when the BitGenerator is MT19937, instead of a dict. Raises ValueError if the underlying bit generator is not an instance of MT19...
- numpy.random.RandomState.get_state
...more details, see set_state. Parameters: legacybool, optionalFlag indicating to return a legacy tuple state when the BitGenerator is MT19937, instead of a dict. Raises ValueError if the underlying bit generator is not an instance of MT19...
- numpy.random.RandomState.seed
...numpy.random.RandomState.seed method random.RandomState.seed(seed=None) Reseed a legacy MT19937 BitGenerator Notes This is a convenience, legacy function. The best practice is to not reseed a BitGenerator, rather to...
- numpy.random.RandomState.set_state integer pos. an integer has_gauss. a float cached_gaussian. If state is a dictionary, it is directly set using the BitGenerators state property. Returns: outNoneReturns ‘None’ on success. See also get_state Notes set_state...
- numpy.random.SeedSequence
...xes sources of entropy in a reproducible way to set the initial state for independent and very probably non-overlapping BitGenerators. Once the SeedSequence is instantiated, you can call the generate_state method to get an appropriately siz...
- numpy.random.SeedSequence.generate_state
...random.SeedSequence.generate_state(n_words, dtype=np.uint32) Return the requested number of words for PRNG seeding. A BitGenerator should call this method in its constructor with an appropriate n_words parameter to properly seed itself....
- numpy.random.SeedSequence.spawn
...ildren. Parameters: n_childrenint Returns: seqslist of SeedSequence s See also random.Generator.spawn, random.BitGenerator.spawnEquivalent method on the generator and bit generator....
- numpy.random.set_state integer pos. an integer has_gauss. a float cached_gaussian. If state is a dictionary, it is directly set using the BitGenerators state property. Returns: outNoneReturns ‘None’ on success. See also get_state Notes set_state...
- Parallel random number generation
...s (local or distributed). SeedSequence spawning NumPy allows you to spawn new (with very high probability) independent BitGenerator and Generator instances via their spawn() method. This spawning is implemented by the SeedSequence used for...
- Random
...served as a replacement for RandomState. The main difference between the two is that Generator relies on an additional BitGenerator to manage state and generate the random bits, which are then transformed into random values from useful dis...
- Random sampling (
)...easoning for the transition. Design Users primarily interact with Generator instances. Each Generator instance owns a BitGenerator instance that implements the core RNG algorithm. The BitGenerator has a limited set of responsibilities. It...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw (Python method, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.random_raw)
- Compatibility policy we enforce is stream-compatibility from run to run under certain conditions. If you create a Generator with the same BitGenerator, with the same seed, perform the same sequence of method calls with the same arguments, on the same build o...
- extending.pyx
...alse) def uniform_mean(Py_ssize_t n): cdef Py_ssize_t i cdef bitgen_t *rng cdef const char *capsule_name = "BitGenerator" cdef double[::1] random_values cdef np.ndarray randoms x = PCG64() capsule = x.capsule...
- extending_distributions.pyx
...extending_distributions.pyx #cython: language_level=3 """ This file shows how the to use a BitGenerator to create a distribution. """ import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cimport cython from cpython.pycapsule...
- Mersenne Twister (MT19937)
...andom number generator. Parameters: seed{None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence}, optionalA seed to initialize the BitGenerator. If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an int or array_like[ints] is pa...
- Multithreaded generation
.....: 32.8 ms ± 2.71 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each) The single threaded call directly uses the BitGenerator. In [5]: values = np.empty(10000000) ...: rg = default_rng() ...: %timeit rg.standard_normal(out=valu...
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.capsule (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.capsule)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.cffi (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.cffi)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.ctypes (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.ctypes)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.lock (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.lock)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.seed_seq (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.seed_seq)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn (Python method, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.spawn)
- numpy.random.BitGenerator.state (Python attribute, in numpy.random.BitGenerator.state)
- Permuted congruential generator (64-bit, PCG64 DXSM)
- Permuted congruential generator (64-bit, PCG64)
- Philox counter-based RNG
- SFC64 Small Fast Chaotic PRNG
- Upgrading
- What’s new or different