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- numpy.recarray.size
- numpy.recarray.size (Python attribute, in numpy.recarray.size)
- NumPy 1.10.0 Release Notes
...dimensions are now required to be present in input arrays; core dimensions with the same label must have the exact same size; and output core dimension’s must be specified, either by a same label input core dimension or by a passed-in outpu...
- NumPy 1.10.2 Release Notes
...anging the shape. This effectively bars viewing a multidimensional Fortran array using a dtype that changes the element size along the first axis. The reason for the deprecation is that, when relaxed strides checking is enabled, arrays that...
- NumPy 1.14.0 Release Notes
...array([1, 2, 3])[np.True_]. Truth testing of an empty array is deprecated. To check if an array is not empty, use array.size > 0. Calling np.bincount with minlength=None is deprecated. minlength=0 should be used instead. Calling np.fromstri...
- NumPy 1.18.0 Release Notes respectively to indicate that they are not part of the public interface. (gh-14608) C API changes PyDataType_ISUNSIZED(descr) now returns False for structured datatypes Previously this returned True for any datatype of itemsize 0, bu...
- NumPy 1.25.0 Release Notes
...precated. Use np.all instead. (gh-23314) Only ndim-0 arrays are treated as scalars. NumPy used to treat all arrays of size 1 (e.g., np.array([3.14])) as scalars. In the future, this will be limited to arrays of ndim 0 (e.g., np.array(3.1...
- numpy.char.chararray.view
- numpy.matrix.view
- numpy.memmap.view
- numpy.ndarray.view
- numpy.recarray
- numpy.recarray.getfield
- numpy.recarray.item
- numpy.recarray.resize
- numpy.recarray.shape
- numpy.recarray.size
- numpy.recarray.tofile
- numpy.recarray.view
- Structured arrays
- numpy.recarray.itemsize (Python attribute, in numpy.recarray.itemsize)
- numpy.recarray.resize (Python method, in numpy.recarray.resize)
- Glossary
- Importing data with