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- numpy.tensordot
...NumPy reference NumPy’s module structure Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) numpy.tensordot...
- numpy.linalg.tensordot (Python function, in numpy.linalg.tensordot)
- numpy.tensordot (Python function, in numpy.tensordot)
- NumPy 1.14.0 Release Notes
...hen expressions of the form np.asarray(a.flat) are used, or when a.flat is passed as the out parameter to a ufunc. np.tensordot now returns zero array when contracting over 0-length dimension Previously np.tensordot raised a ValueError wh...
- NumPy 2.0.0 Release Notes
...n2. Bitwise: bitwise_left_shift, bitwise_invert, bitwise_right_shift. Misc: concat, permute_dims, pow. In numpy.linalg: tensordot, matmul. (gh-25086) New unique_* functions The unique_all, unique_counts, unique_inverse, and unique_values...
...d-to-last dimension of b. See also vdotComplex-conjugating dot product. vecdotVector dot product of two arrays. tensordotSum products over arbitrary axes. einsumEinstein summation convention. matmul‘@’ operator as method with out...
- numpy.einsum
...outputndarrayThe calculation based on the Einstein summation convention. See also einsum_path, dot, inner, outer, tensordot, linalg.multi_dot einsumSimilar verbose interface is provided by the einops package to cover additional operat...
- numpy.inner
...-1]) Raises: ValueErrorIf both a and b are nonscalar and their last dimensions have different sizes. See also tensordotSum products over arbitrary axes. dotGeneralised matrix product, using second last dimension of b. vecdotVect...
- numpy.linalg.tensordot
...umPy reference NumPy’s module structure Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) numpy.linalg.tensordot...
- numpy.linalg.tensorinv
...orinv(a, ind=2)[source] Compute the ‘inverse’ of an N-dimensional array. The result is an inverse for a relative to the tensordot operation tensordot(a, b, ind), i. e., up to floating-point accuracy, tensordot(tensorinv(a), a, ind) is the “...
- numpy.linalg.tensorsolve
...all indices of x are summed over in the product, together with the rightmost indices of a, as is done in, for example, tensordot(a, x, axes=x.ndim). Parameters: aarray_likeCoefficient tensor, of shape b.shape + Q. Q, a tuple, equals the...
...-1]) Raises: ValueErrorIf both a and b are nonscalar and their last dimensions have different sizes. See also tensordotSum products over arbitrary axes. dotGeneralised matrix product, using second last dimension of b. vecdotVect...
...-1]) Raises: ValueErrorIf both a and b are nonscalar and their last dimensions have different sizes. See also tensordotSum products over arbitrary axes. dotGeneralised matrix product, using second last dimension of b. vecdotVect...
...s the equivalent. linalg.outerAn Array API compatible variation of np.outer, which accepts 1-dimensional inputs only. tensordotnp.tensordot(a.ravel(), b.ravel(), axes=((), ())) is the equivalent. Notes Masked values are replaced by 0....
...s the equivalent. linalg.outerAn Array API compatible variation of np.outer, which accepts 1-dimensional inputs only. tensordotnp.tensordot(a.ravel(), b.ravel(), axes=((), ())) is the equivalent. Notes Masked values are replaced by 0....
- numpy.matmul
...ix-vector product for stacks of matrices and vectors. vecmatVector-matrix product for stacks of vectors and matrices. tensordotSum products over arbitrary axes. einsumEinstein summation convention. dotalternative matrix product with dif...
- numpy.outer
...s the equivalent. linalg.outerAn Array API compatible variation of np.outer, which accepts 1-dimensional inputs only. tensordotnp.tensordot(a.ravel(), b.ravel(), axes=((), ())) is the equivalent. References [1] G. H. Golub and C. F....
- numpy.tensordot
...NumPy reference NumPy’s module structure Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) numpy.tensordot...
- numpy.ufunc.outer
...rful version of np.multiply.outer that ravels all inputs to 1D. This exists primarily for compatibility with old code. tensordotnp.tensordot(a, b, axes=((), ())) and np.multiply.outer(a, b) behave same for all dimensions of a and b. Exa...