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- numpy.tile
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array manipulation routines numpy.tile...
- numpy.tile (Python function, in numpy.tile)
- NumPy for MATLAB users
...]) np.meshgrid([1,2,4],[2,4,5]) np.ix_([1,2,4],[2,4,5]) the best way to eval functions on a grid repmat(a, m, n) np.tile(a, (m, n)) create m by n copies of a [a b] np.concatenate((a,b),1) or np.hstack((a,b)) or np.column_stack((a,b)) o...
- numpy.einsum
...verbose interface is provided by the einops package to cover additional operations: transpose, reshape/flatten, repeat/tile, squeeze/unsqueeze and reductions. The opt_einsum optimizes contraction order for einsum-like expressions in backen...
- numpy.repeat
...Returns: repeated_arrayndarrayOutput array which has the same shape as a, except along the given axis. See also tileTile an array. uniqueFind the unique elements of an array. Examples >>> import numpy as np >>> np.repeat(3, 4) a...
- numpy.tile
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array manipulation routines numpy.tile...
- numpy.nanpercentile (Python function, in numpy.nanpercentile)
- numpy.nanquantile (Python function, in numpy.nanquantile)
- numpy.percentile (Python function, in numpy.percentile)
- numpy.quantile (Python function, in numpy.quantile)