

__array_namespace_info__.dtypes(*, device=None, kind=None)[source]#

The array API data types supported by NumPy.

Note that this function only returns data types that are defined by the array API.

devicestr, optional

The device to get the data types for. For NumPy, only 'cpu' is allowed.

kindstr or tuple of str, optional

The kind of data types to return. If None, all data types are returned. If a string, only data types of that kind are returned. If a tuple, a dictionary containing the union of the given kinds is returned. The following kinds are supported:

  • 'bool': boolean data types (i.e., bool).

  • 'signed integer': signed integer data types (i.e., int8, int16, int32, int64).

  • 'unsigned integer': unsigned integer data types (i.e., uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64).

  • 'integral': integer data types. Shorthand for ('signed integer', 'unsigned integer').

  • 'real floating': real-valued floating-point data types (i.e., float32, float64).

  • 'complex floating': complex floating-point data types (i.e., complex64, complex128).

  • 'numeric': numeric data types. Shorthand for ('integral', 'real floating', 'complex floating').


A dictionary mapping the names of data types to the corresponding NumPy data types.


>>> info = np.__array_namespace_info__()
>>> info.dtypes(kind='signed integer')
{'int8': numpy.int8,
 'int16': numpy.int16,
 'int32': numpy.int32,
 'int64': numpy.int64}