Default behavior for BLAS and LAPACK selection#

When a NumPy build is invoked, BLAS and LAPACK library detection happens automatically. The build system will attempt to locate a suitable library, and try a number of known libraries in a certain order - most to least performant. A typical order is: MKL, Accelerate, OpenBLAS, FlexiBLAS, BLIS, plain libblas/liblapack. This may vary per platform or over releases. That order, and which libraries are tried, can be changed through the blas-order and lapack-order build options, for example:

$ python -m pip install . -Csetup-args=-Dblas-order=openblas,mkl,blis -Csetup-args=-Dlapack-order=openblas,mkl,lapack

The first suitable library that is found will be used. In case no suitable library is found, the NumPy build will print a warning and then use (slow!) NumPy-internal fallback routines. In order to disallow use of those slow routines, the allow-noblas build option can be used:

$ python -m pip install . -Csetup-args=-Dallow-noblas=false

By default the LP64 (32-bit integer) interface to BLAS and LAPACK will be used. For building against the ILP64 (64-bit integer) interface, one must use the use-ilp64 build option:

$ python -m pip install . -Csetup-args=-Duse-ilp64=true

Selecting specific BLAS and LAPACK libraries#

The blas and lapack build options are set to “auto” by default, which means trying all known libraries. If you want to use a specific library, you can set these build options to the library name (typically the lower-case name that pkg-config expects). For example, to select plain libblas and liblapack (this is typically Netlib BLAS/LAPACK on Linux distros, and can be dynamically switched between implementations on conda-forge), use:

$ # for a development build
$ spin build -C-Dblas=blas -C-Dlapack=lapack

$ # to build and install a wheel
$ python -m build -Csetup-args=-Dblas=blas -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=lapack
$ pip install dist/numpy*.whl

$ # Or, with pip>=23.1, this works too:
$ python -m pip install . -Csetup-args=-Dblas=blas -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=lapack

Other options that should work (as long as they’re installed with pkg-config support; otherwise they may still be detected but things are inherently more fragile) include openblas, mkl, accelerate, atlas and blis.

Using pkg-config to detect libraries in a nonstandard location#

The way BLAS and LAPACK detection works under the hood is that Meson tries to discover the specified libraries first with pkg-config, and then with CMake. If all you have is a standalone shared library file (e.g., in /a/random/path/lib/ and a corresponding header file in /a/random/path/include/), then what you have to do is craft your own pkg-config file. It should have a matching name (so in this example, armpl_lp64.pc) and may be located anywhere. The PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable should be set to point to the location of the .pc file. The contents of that file should be:

libdir=/path/to/library-dir      # e.g., /a/random/path/lib
includedir=/path/to/include-dir  # e.g., /a/random/path/include
version=1.2.3                    # set to actual version
extralib=-lm -lpthread -lgfortran   # if needed, the flags to link in dependencies
Name: armpl_lp64
Description: ArmPL - Arm Performance Libraries
Version: ${version}
Libs: -L${libdir} -larmpl_lp64      # linker flags
Libs.private: ${extralib}
Cflags: -I${includedir}

To check that this works as expected, you should be able to run:

$ pkg-config --libs armpl_lp64
-L/path/to/library-dir -larmpl_lp64
$ pkg-config --cflags armpl_lp64