
strings.partition(a, sep)[source]#

Partition each element in a around sep.

For each element in a, split the element at the first occurrence of sep, and return a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator. If the separator is not found, the first item of the tuple will contain the whole string, and the second and third ones will be the empty string.

aarray-like, with StringDType, bytes_, or str_ dtype

Input array

separray-like, with StringDType, bytes_, or str_ dtype

Separator to split each string element in a.

  • array with StringDType, bytes_ or str_ dtype with the part before the separator

  • array with StringDType, bytes_ or str_ dtype with the separator

  • array with StringDType, bytes_ or str_ dtype with the part after the separator

See also



>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array(["Numpy is nice!"])
>>> np.strings.partition(x, " ")
(array(['Numpy'], dtype='<U5'),
 array([' '], dtype='<U1'),
 array(['is nice!'], dtype='<U8'))