- Array creation
...NumPy user guide NumPy fundamentals Array creation...
- NumPy quickstart > Array creation
...class 'numpy.ndarray'> >>> b = np.array([6, 7, 8]) >>> b array([6, 7, 8]) >>> type(b) <class 'numpy.ndarray'> Array creation There are several ways to create arrays. For example, you can create an array from a regular Python list or tup...
- Array creation routines
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array creation routines...
...sent the basis Poly.maxpower – Maximum value n such that p**n is allowed Poly.nickname – String used in printing Creation Methods for creating polynomial instances. Poly.basis(degree) – Basis polynomial of given degree Poly.ident...
- Array API
- Array creation
...NumPy user guide NumPy fundamentals Array creation...
- Array creation routines
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Array creation routines...
- Array iterator API
...(NpyIter *iter, int axis) Removes an axis from iteration. This requires that NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX was set for iterator creation, and does not work if buffering is enabled or an index is being tracked. This function also resets the iterator...
- Beyond the basics
...tion of sub-types with the base ndarray type. The __array_finalize__ method ndarray.__array_finalize__ Several array-creation functions of the ndarray allow specification of a particular sub-type to be created. This allows sub-types to b...
- How to extend NumPy
...ray object of whatever data-type is needed. The most general function for doing this is PyArray_NewFromDescr. All array creation functions go through this heavily re-used code. Because of its flexibility, it can be somewhat confusing to use...
- Masked array operations
...Masked array operations Constants ma.MaskType alias of bool Creation From existing data ma.masked_array alias of MaskedArray ma.array(data[, dtype, copy, order, mask, ...]) An...
- Masked arrays
...rithmetic and comparison operations Representation Special methods Specific methods Masked array operations Constants Creation Inspecting the array Manipulating a MaskedArray Operations on masks Conversion operations Masked arrays arithme...
- NumPy 1.12.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.13.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.16.4 Release Notes
...ap a pointer to data, the only indication we have of the read-write nature of the data is the writeable flag set during creation. It is dangerous to force the flag to writeable. In the future it will not be possible to switch the writeable...
- NumPy 1.17.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.20.0 Release Notes
...e array-like and use it as a object instead. (gh-17973) Future Changes Arrays cannot be using subarray dtypes Array creation and casting using np.array(arr, dtype) and arr.astype(dtype) will use different logic when dtype is a subarray...
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.24 Release Notes
...d np.histogramdd. Use density instead. If normed was passed by position, density is now used. (gh-21645) Ragged array creation will now always raise a ValueError unless dtype=object is passed. This includes very deeply nested sequences....
- NumPy 1.25.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 1.8.0 Release Notes
- NumPy quickstart
...class 'numpy.ndarray'> >>> b = np.array([6, 7, 8]) >>> b array([6, 7, 8]) >>> type(b) <class 'numpy.ndarray'> Array creation There are several ways to create arrays. For example, you can create an array from a regular Python list or tup...
- numpy.array
- numpy.rec.array
- NumPy: the absolute basics for beginners
- Standard array subclasses
- Structured arrays
- Subclassing ndarray
- The
module - The N-dimensional array (
) - Typing (
) - Writing your own ufunc
- Data type promotion in NumPy
- F2PY test suite
- Multithreaded generation
- NumPy 1.23.0 Release Notes
- NumPy 2.2.0 Release Notes
- NumPy fundamentals
- NumPy reference
- NumPy user guide
- numpy.arange
- numpy.asanyarray
- numpy.asarray
- numpy.ascontiguousarray
- numpy.asfortranarray
- numpy.char.chararray.flags
- numpy.dtype.metadata
- numpy.einsum_path
- numpy.empty
- numpy.empty_like
- numpy.eye
- numpy.frombuffer
- numpy.fromfile
- numpy.fromfunction
- numpy.fromiter
- numpy.fromstring
- numpy.full
- numpy.genfromtxt
- numpy.identity
- numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
- numpy.loadtxt