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- numpy.ceil
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Mathematical functions numpy.ceil...
- numpy.ceil (Python data, in numpy.ceil)
- CPU build options
...efault settings tend to not impose certain CPU features that may not be available on some older processors. Raising the ceiling of the baseline features will often improve performance and may also reduce binary size. The following are the m...
- NumPy 1.17.0 Release Notes
...e and incorrect shape. The message of the error now includes this shape to help diagnose the cause of failure. floor, ceil, and trunc now respect builtin magic methods These ufuncs now call the __floor__, __ceil__, and __trunc__ methods w...
- NumPy 1.24 Release Notes
...or all SIMD kernels implemented using the universal intrinsics, including the following operations: rint, floor, trunc, ceil, sqrt, absolute, square, reciprocal, tanh, sin, cos, equal, not_equal, greater, greater_equal, less, less_equal, ma...
- NumPy 2.1.0 Release Notes has a less precise signature. This is due to the limitations of ufunc’s typing stub. (gh-26313) numpy.floor, numpy.ceil, and numpy.trunc now won’t perform casting to a floating dtype for integer and boolean dtype input arrays. (gh-2676...
- NumPy for MATLAB users
...lg.lstsq(Z, y) perform a linear regression of the form \(\mathbf{Zx}=\mathbf{y}\) decimate(x, q) signal.resample(x, np.ceil(len(x)/q)) downsample with low-pass filtering unique(a) np.unique(a) a vector of unique values in array a squeeze...
- NumPy quickstart
...>> np.add(B, C) array([2., 0., 6.]) See also all, any, apply_along_axis, argmax, argmin, argsort, average, bincount, ceil, clip, conj, corrcoef, cov, cross, cumprod, cumsum, diff, dot, floor, inner, invert, lexsort, max, maximum, mean, m...
- numpy.arange
....0. Returns: arangendarrayArray of evenly spaced values. For floating point arguments, the length of the result is ceil((stop - start)/step). Because of floating point overflow, this rule may result in the last element of out being gr...
- numpy.around
...mber of decimals. around is an alias of round. See also ndarray.roundequivalent method roundalias for this function ceil, fix, floor, rint, trunc...
- numpy.ceil
...NumPy reference Routines and objects by topic Mathematical functions numpy.ceil...
- numpy.fix
...the result is stored there. The return value out is then a reference to that array. See also rint, trunc, floor, ceil aroundRound to given number of decimals Examples >>> import numpy as np >>> np.fix(3.14) 3.0 >>> np.fix(3) 3 >>>...
- numpy.floor Returns: yndarray or scalarThe floor of each element in x. This is a scalar if x is a scalar. See also ceil, trunc, rint, fix Notes Some spreadsheet programs calculate the “floor-towards-zero”, where floor(-2.5) == -2. N...
- numpy.floor_divide
...r division and remainder. divideStandard division. floorRound a number to the nearest integer toward minus infinity. ceilRound a number to the nearest integer toward infinity. Examples >>> import numpy as np >>> np.floor_divide(7,3) 2...
- numpy.histogram_bin_edges
...compute bin counts are recast to bin width using the ptp of the data. The final bin count is obtained from np.round(np.ceil(range / h)). The final bin width is often less than what is returned by the estimators below. ‘auto’ (minimum bin...
- numpy.loadtxt
..., 4.669\n") >>> conv = { ... 0: lambda x: np.floor(float(x)), # conversion fn for column 0 ... 1: lambda x: np.ceil(float(x)), # conversion fn for column 1 ... } >>> np.loadtxt(s, delimiter=",", converters=conv) array([[1., 3.],...
...Returns: arangeMaskedArrayArray of evenly spaced values. For floating point arguments, the length of the result is ceil((stop - start)/step). Because of floating point overflow, this rule may result in the last element of out being gr...
...mber of decimals. around is an alias of round. See also ndarray.roundequivalent method roundalias for this function ceil, fix, floor, rint, trunc...
- numpy.rint
...: outndarray or scalarOutput array is same shape and type as x. This is a scalar if x is a scalar. See also fix, ceil, floor, trunc Notes For values exactly halfway between rounded decimal values, NumPy rounds to the nearest even v...
- numpy.round
...result of rounding a float is a float. See also ndarray.roundequivalent method aroundan alias for this function ceil, fix, floor, rint, trunc Notes For values exactly halfway between rounded decimal values, NumPy rounds to the nea...
- numpy.trunc
...Returns: yndarray or scalarThe truncated value of each element in x. This is a scalar if x is a scalar. See also ceil, floor, rint, fix Examples >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([-1.7, -1.5, -0.2, 0.2, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0]) >>> np...
- Multithreaded generation
...self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(threads) self.values = np.empty(n) self.step = np.ceil(n / threads).astype(np.int_) def fill(self): def _fill(random_state, out, first, last): ra...