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- numpy.ufunc.reduceat
...NumPy reference Universal functions (ufunc) numpy.ufunc numpy.ufunc.reduceat...
- numpy.ufunc.reduceat (Python method, in numpy.ufunc.reduceat)
- NumPy 1.13.0 Release Notes
...a tuple for ufuncs with multiple outputs. This has now been extended to output arguments in the reduce, accumulate, and reduceat methods. This is mostly for compatibility with __array_ufunc; there are no ufuncs yet that have more than one o...
- NumPy 1.21.0 Release Notes, all positionally passed arguments were checked for __array_ufunc__ support. In the case of reduce, accumulate, and reduceat all arguments may be passed by position. This means that when they were passed by position, they could previou...
- NumPy 1.24.3 Release Notes
...26: CI: Ensure submodules are initialized in gitpod. #23341: TYP: Replace duplicate reduce in ufunc type signature with reduceat. #23342: TYP: Remove duplicate CLIP/WRAP/RAISE in __init__.pyi. #23343: TYP: Mark d argument to fftfreq and rff...
- NumPy 1.7.2 Release Notes halffloat.c gh-3458: array_ass_boolean_subscript() writes ‘non-existent’ data to array gh-2892: Regression in ufunc.reduceat with zero-sized index array gh-3608: Regression when filling struct from tuple gh-3701: add support for Python...
- NumPy C code explanations
...ncs that require calculation similar to the general-purpose ufuncs. These are ufunc.reduce, ufunc.accumulate, and ufunc.reduceat. Each of these methods requires a setup command followed by a loop. There are four loop styles possible for the...
- numpy.ufunc.reduceat
...NumPy reference Universal functions (ufunc) numpy.ufunc numpy.ufunc.reduceat...
- Standard array subclasses
...func object that was called. method is a string indicating which Ufunc method was called (one of "__call__", "reduce", "reduceat", "accumulate", "outer", "inner"). inputs is a tuple of the input arguments to the ufunc. kwargs is a dictionar...
- Subclassing ndarray