NumPy tutorials#


This set of tutorials and educational materials is being developed in the numpy-tutorials repository, and is not a part of the NumPy source tree. The goal of this repository is to provide high-quality resources by the NumPy project, both for self-learning and for teaching classes with. If you’re interested in adding your own content, check the Contributing section.

To open a live version of the content, click the launch Binder button above. To open each of the .md files, right click and select “Open with -> Notebook”. You can also launch individual tutorials on Binder by clicking on the rocket icon that appears in the upper-right corner of each tutorial. To download a local copy of the .ipynb files, you can either clone this repository or use the download icon in the upper-right corner of each tutorial.


Non-executable articles#

Help improve the tutorials!

Want to make a valuable contribution to the tutorials? Consider contributing to these existing articles to help make them fully executable and reproducible!